Meet the Man Behind BriskHeat Tech Talk

May 10, 2021 41 view(s)

Late last year BriskHeat introduced to its customers the BriskHeat Tech Talk. The Tech Talk was designed to give people some insight into how our products work and how to use them. I recently got the opportunity to sit down with the man behind the talk, Mr. Thomas Jablonski, and got some insight about his experience.

How long have you been at BriskHeat?

TJ: I started in October of 2018

Tell us a little about your background. What industries have you worked in?

TJ: I have a background in automotive mechanics, production, production plant maintenance, machining, iron working, residential/ commercial construction.

What do you like most about your job?

TJ: Helping people. Getting people that are lost and frustrated back on track. To them it is huge to spend this money on an idea of theirs that they had envisioned and it’s not working. It is a rewarding experience to be able to take them all the way to the finish line.

What do you like the least about your job?

TJ: This is a difficult question, having to troubleshoot over the phone and through email can be difficult sometimes. Things are missed that most likely would not be if I were at the application site.

What made you want to start the BriskHeat Tech Talk?

TJ: I was forced to…just kidding! While talking to my supervisor about customer needs, we kind of kicked around the idea of having a video series helping people with their BriskHeat products. We decided to give it a go and liked how it turned out.  

What is the one technical question that you get asked the most?

TJ: How do I wire something electrically. Controllers and heaters. Most of the time it can be directed over the phone or through email but, sometimes it’s just best to consult an electrician.

Do you have any advice for someone who is new to installing heating cable?

TJ: READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! If there are still questions after you’ve read the instructions get them answered before installing your cable. It is not a difficult process, but it is still a process.

If you could be any BriskHeat products what would you be?

TJ: I would be an ACR3. Those things are pretty cool. Just imagine being an ACR3 and you get to work on a team working on F1 race cars. You must get on a plane to fly out to the Morocco Grand Prix, finding your way to the pit and getting ready to work to make sure the car is ready for the race. They are portable which makes them great for working on anything made with carbon fiber. A lot of race teams have these, or similar, kits. If these things could talk, imagine the stories they could tell.

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