Uniform Heat for Quality Results

Get the BriskHeat products that provide uniform heating that ensures your quality and dosage are accurate every time.

The Applications

The multi-step processes for cannibis distillation and drying require time and uniform heat. We also know that the heat needed to purify and isolate the cannabinoids needs to be extremely flexible, removable, reuseable, and controlled.


That’s where we come in.

The Solution

BriskHeat manufactures a number of flexible heating solutions that are preferred for most of the distillation and drying steps. We know this process is unique, so let us tailor it to fit your needs.

Silicone Tapes: Manufactured in varying widths and lengths, making them versatile enough to use on both small vessels, tubes, and pipes

Lynx System: a PID Digital temperature controller, available in free standing single zone plug and play or multi module versions

Custom Cloth Insulators: Maximize thermal efficiency, removable and reusable 

Silicone Heating Blankets: Provides low controlled temperature that can be effective during the accelerative vacuum drying process

Catch our team in person, November 16-18th, at MJBizCon 

Can't wait til MJBizCon? Contact us today and let's talk distillation!



Learn more about our products and how we can help during your next batch!